Harbor AcupunctureHarbor Acupuncture specializing in diabetes, painful, and chronic condition treatments since 1987.
Fast Effective Pain Relief. Feel Better Today. - Why Wait? |
Lynne Caryl L.Ac., MsT.
Lynne Caryl has an extensive history as an acupuncturist. She has acquired a reputation of phenomenal skill and grace, as well as the moniker, (and I do quote) “The Jewish Mother of Acupuncture”. Lynne has pursued additional specialty training in Japan, China, and Korea and has been continuing to expand her knowledge base by working with a master of classical acupuncture in New York City, as well as by working with the best specialists in endocrinology, brain neurology and functional medicine.
Her specialties include chronic endocrine conditions: diabetes, thyroid, adrenal, hormonal imbalances, as well as pain relief for multiple conditions: neck pain, back pain, arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, sciatica, migraines, digestive conditions, etc. Combining both traditional and modern diagnostic protocol, she brings a wealth of progressive improvements to your healing process.
Lynne sees patients by appointment at Harbor Acupuncture on 7th Avenue in Santa Cruz, California.
Please call (831) 476-1992 to schedule your time.
Her specialties include chronic endocrine conditions: diabetes, thyroid, adrenal, hormonal imbalances, as well as pain relief for multiple conditions: neck pain, back pain, arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, sciatica, migraines, digestive conditions, etc. Combining both traditional and modern diagnostic protocol, she brings a wealth of progressive improvements to your healing process.
Lynne sees patients by appointment at Harbor Acupuncture on 7th Avenue in Santa Cruz, California.
Please call (831) 476-1992 to schedule your time.