What is Acupuncture?
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system for balancing your health by the insertion of fine needles at specific points on your body. These points have been used effectively in China for the treatment of disease for well over 3000 years.
How does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is based on the understanding that all pain and disease is caused by blockages in the flow of energy (Qi) and fluids (particularly the blood) in the body. Acupuncture stimulates the flow of blood and Qi, removing blockages and restoring balance.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Yes! All needles are sterile and disposable meeting the requirements of the National Committee of Certified Acupuncturists.
How Does It Feel?
The effect of acupuncture feels wonderful! Stimulation can induce a feeling of warmth around the needles or along the affected energy pathway. Needle insertion may cause a quick, electrical touch or absolutely no sensation at all.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
This depends upon the duration, severity, and nature of your condition. Regaining comfort takes less time than restoring health; and then, there is the necessity of safekeeping the health you regain. Many acute conditions require only a single session while degenerative conditions may require continued maintenance.
What May I Expect after a Treatment?
You may experience a sense of well-being and relaxation. Painful conditions will be partially or totally relieved. You can expect to feel continuing improvement in your condition, your health, and your level of energy.
Acupuncture is a system for balancing your health by the insertion of fine needles at specific points on your body. These points have been used effectively in China for the treatment of disease for well over 3000 years.
How does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is based on the understanding that all pain and disease is caused by blockages in the flow of energy (Qi) and fluids (particularly the blood) in the body. Acupuncture stimulates the flow of blood and Qi, removing blockages and restoring balance.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Yes! All needles are sterile and disposable meeting the requirements of the National Committee of Certified Acupuncturists.
How Does It Feel?
The effect of acupuncture feels wonderful! Stimulation can induce a feeling of warmth around the needles or along the affected energy pathway. Needle insertion may cause a quick, electrical touch or absolutely no sensation at all.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
This depends upon the duration, severity, and nature of your condition. Regaining comfort takes less time than restoring health; and then, there is the necessity of safekeeping the health you regain. Many acute conditions require only a single session while degenerative conditions may require continued maintenance.
What May I Expect after a Treatment?
You may experience a sense of well-being and relaxation. Painful conditions will be partially or totally relieved. You can expect to feel continuing improvement in your condition, your health, and your level of energy.